Tips & Tricks on how to organize the chaos that is toddler clothing…
I think I’ve finally figured out how to organize toddler clothes with the epidemic that seems to plague our house every 6-8 months! And, since I found a system that works for us… I thought I would share it with you. They grow out of clothes and shoes so fast that I’ve had a tough time organizing toddler clothes over the last 1.5 years.
Where do you even begin? I asked myself this same question. The answer is quite simple actually. I organize on a monthly and biannual basis! See below for all of my tips and tricks.
Daily & Monthly Organization Tips
Tip #1: Instead to waiting to do one big purge when you have the time, set up a corner in your child’s closet (preferably one they can’t reach) for items that no longer fit! Any time I put on something on Kooper that he has outgrown (or see something that won’t fit anymore), I quickly put it in that corner. It is so quick and easy and takes zero time. This became a habit for me and I don’t even realize that I am doing it. Essentially, I am “cleaning out his closet” on a consistent basis.

Tip #2: Once that pile becomes large enough that it is taking over your closet corner (ha!), move it to some type of storage. I usually put it in a bin or a basket at the very top of the closet. Well, let’s be honest… Kyle puts it there because I can’t reach the top of the closet.
The Big Purge
After about 6-8 months, it is time for a big purge! I usually schedule this on a day where I don’t have a ton of things to do because it will take me a couple of hours. But, it doesn’t have to happen that often (I’ve only done it twice and he is 22 months!) and I save a lot of time with the steps above.

Tip #3: I take down all of the baskets/boxes of clothes that I have stored in the closet and peek through the hanging clothes and drawers to determine if I missed anything. If I missed something, I take it out of the closet and add it to the piles. Then, I sit down and make three piles… donate, keep and throw away!
Tip #4: For the “donate” pile, I just throw it all in a big trash bag or laundry basket. It goes into my car and take it to Salvation Army. If anything is stained or torn, it goes in the trash can. The “keep” pile is organized it by type of item (i.e. shorts, shirts, PJs).
The “Keep” Pile
Tip #5: Now, what do we do with the “keep” pile!? I fold everything and organize it (see Tip #4). Then, I use a giant vacuum seal bag that I got on Amazon (packs of 3 and 6 linked here) and put everything in there that we are keeping! I put everything in there- clothes, shoes, bathing suits, accessories… all of it. Kyle takes off the vacuum attachment and sucks out all the air. The bag gets much smaller!
Place all the clothes in the bag in organized piles Put shoes and accessories in empty spaces Vacuum seal that baby!

Tip #6: After we suck all the air out, we find a place to store the gigantic bag. The best spot? Under the crib or under a bed. The bag fits under one of our beds, but not the other. Our newborn – 8 months bag is under the crib to use with baby number two. We may actually get a lift kit so we can stick the next bag under there!
Key to Success
The key to success?! Not leaving it all to do in one day and making sure you only keep the things you love. There is no sense in saving things that you aren’t going to use in the future. For those items, donate them to a great charity like Salvation Army or if you are local to Tampa Bay, The ALPHA House. Another option is to give it to a friend who just had a child!
Decluttering helps clear the mind and if it is your little one’s room, I think it helps them too! Let me know what you thought about “How to organize toddler clothes” and if you use any of these tips or tricks. I always love hearing from you. For other motherhood content, check out an easy and economical way to throw a large birthday party… this was specifically Kooper’s first birthday, but the tips will work for any age!